17.00 17.0 USD
Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler - Om Books
"This urge for maintenance of the unmixed breed, which is a phenomenon that prevails throughout the whole of the natural world, results not only in the sharply defined outward distinction between one species and another but also in the internal similarity of characteristic qualities which are peculiar to each breed and species. [...] That is why the struggle between various species does not arise from a feeling of mutual antipathy but rather from hunger and love. In both cases, nature looks on calmly and is even pleased with what happens. The struggle for daily livelihood leaves behind in the ruck everything that is weak or diseased or wavering; while the fight of the male to possess the female gives to the strongest, the right, or at least the possibility, to propagate. And this struggle is a means
of furthering the health and powers of resistance in the species. Thus it is one of the causes underlying the process of development towards a higher quality of being. If the case were different, the progressive process would cease, and even retrogression might set in. Since the inferior always outnumber the superior, the former would always increase more rapidly if they possessed the same capacity for survival and for procreation of their kind; and the final consequence would be that the best in quality would be forced to recede in the background. Therefore a corrective measure in favour of better quality must intervene. Nature supplies this by establishing rigorous conditions of life to which the weaker will have to submit and will thereby be numerically restricted...
— Adolf Hitler"

AUTHOR'S PREFACE On April 1, 1924, I began to serve my sentence of detention in the of Landsberg am Lech, following the verdict of the Munich People's Court of that time After years of uninterrupted labour it was now possible for the first time to begin a work which many had asked for and which I myself felt would be profitable for the movement. So I decided to devote two volumes to a description not only of the aims of our movement but also of its devclopment. There is more to be learned from this than from any purely doctrinaire treatise. This has also given me the opportunity of describing my own development in so far as such a description is necessary to the understanding of the first as well as the second volume and to destroy the legendary fabrications which the Jewish Press have circulated about me. In this work I turn not to strangers but to those followers of the movement whose hearts belong to it and who wish to study it more profoundly. I know that fewer people are won over by the written word than by the spoken word and that every great movement on this earth owes its growth to great speakers and not to great writers. Nevertheless, in order to produce more equality and uniformity in the defence of any doctrine, its fundamental principles must be committed to writing. May these two volumes therefore serve as the building stones which I contribute to the joint work. The Fortress, Landsberg am Lech

9.00 9.0 USD
The Story Of My Experiments With Truth : An Autobiography Mohandas Karamcand Gandhi - Om Books
It is not my purpose to attempt a real autobiography. I simply want to tell the story of mynumerous experiments with truth, and as my life consists of nothing but those experiments, it is true that the story will take the shape of an autobiography. [...] Identification with everything that lives is impossible without self-purification; without selfpurification, the observance of the law of Ahimsa must remain an empty dream; God can never be realised by one who is not pure of heart. Self-purification, therefore, must mean purification in all walks of life. And purification being highly infectious, purification of oneself necessarily leads to the purification of one’s surroundings. But the path to self-purification is hard and steep. To attain perfect purity, one has to become absolutely passion-free in thought, speech and action; to rise above the opposing currents of love and hatred, attachment and repulsion. I know that I have not in me as yet the triple purity, in spite of constant ceaseless striving for it. That is why the world’s praise fails to move me; indeed it very often stings me. To conquer the subtle passions seems to me far harder than the physical conquest of the world by the force of arms. Ever since my return to India, I have had experiences of the dormant passions lying hidden within me. The knowledge of them has made me feel humiliated though not defeated. The experiences and experiments have sustained me
and given me great joy. But I know I still have before me a difficult path to traverse. I must reduce myself to zero. So long as a man does not of his own free will put himself last among his fellow creatures, there is no salvation for him. Ahimsa is the farthest limit of humility. — Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

MOHANDAS KARAMCHAND GANDHI (1869-1948) was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the movement to free India from British rule. He was the pioneer of satyagraha, resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, a philosophy founded upon total nonviolence, which led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.
12.00 12.0 USD
The Diary Of A Young Girl Anne Frank - Om Books
At the young age of 13, Anne Frank and her family, comprising her parents and her elder sister Margot went into hiding in an Amsterdam warehouse to escape forceful deportation by the Nazis. For the next two years, the Franks along with another family of three and a single boarder shared the closed confines of this ‘Secret Annexe.’ In August 1944, the inmates were betrayed, arrested and cruelly torn apart by the circumstances that followed.

Anne had been gifted a diary on her 13th birthday. The diary became her closest friend and confidante during the years in hiding and here she recorded her feelings and experiences with utmost honesty. It is believed that Anne wanted to publish a book based on her diary. Otto Frank, Anne’s father was the only member of the family who survived the war and the horrors of the Holocaust. To fulfill the wishes of his daughter, he decided to publish her diary. The entries in the diary over the two years, reveal the blossoming of a child into a young adult, the reason why it makes for one of the most heartrending chronicles of literature. The readers cannot help but wonder about the kind of woman and writer Anne could have grown up to be.

Set against one of the most dramatic episodes of world history­ The Holocaust, a brilliant comingofage story that has and will continue to find appeal with every generation of readers. An international bestseller, worldwide readership/market lovers of biographies and general fiction, historians, journalists, sociologists, documentary filmmakers, cultural and educational institutions, libraries, general trade readers.

Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank (Dutch pronunciation: [ n lis ma ri n fr k], German: [ an li s ma i an f a k] ( listen); 12 June 1929 early March 1945) was a diarist and writer. She is one of the most discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Her wartime diary The Diary of a Young Girl has been the basis for several plays and films. Born in the city of Frankfurt in Weimar Germany, she lived most of her life in or near Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. Born a German national, Frank lost her citizenship in 1941. She gained international fame posthumously after her diary was published. It documents her experiences hiding during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. The Frank family moved from Germany to Amsterdam in 1933, the year the Nazis gained control over Germany. By May 1940, they were trapped in Amsterdam by the German occupation of the Netherlands. As persecutions of the Jewish population increased in July 1942, the family went into hiding in some concealed rooms behind a bookcase in the building where Anne's father worked. After two years, the group was betrayed and transported to concentration camps. Anne Frank and her sister, Margot Frank, were eventually transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where they died (probably of typhus) in March 1945. Otto Frank, the only survivor of the family, returned to Amsterdam after the war to find that Anne's diary had been saved by one of the helpers, Miep Gies, and his efforts led to its publication in 1947. It has since been translated into many languages. It was translated from its original Dutch version and first published in English in 1952 as The Diary of a Young Girl. The diary, which was given to Anne on her thirteenth birthday, chronicles her life from 12 June 1942 until 1 August 1944.
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