6.00 6.0 USD
16.00 16.0 USD
10.00 10.0 USD
30.00 30.0 USD
لبنان .... فلبنان - Lebanon Shot Twice
Lebanon Shot Twice: Once in war, once in peace… and once in between. The fourth edition of

this classic bestseller gathers the most iconic photos of the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990),

and showcases a new visual history of Lebanon, in a before, after, and "after after" narrative.

From the first bullet in the 1975 war to the ongoing 2019 #LebanonRevolts,

Lebanon Shot Twice traces the untold stories of the good times and bad times,

and captures the pulse of the nation's never-ending bid for a new rebirth.
70.00 70.0 USD
Lebanon on Screen - The greatest moments of Lebanese Television & Pop culture
If it did not happen on television, it did not happen at all… and if it is not in English, it’s “what the hell are you talking about!”Lebanon on Screen: The Greatest Moments of Lebanese Television and Pop Culture is the first book of its kind written in English, documenting the landmark moments and milestones of Lebanese television. From the country’s first television broadcast in 1959 to the birth of the first Audio Visual Media Law in Lebanon and the Middle East in 1994, this book will tell you the tale of Lebanon the warzone, and Lebanon the dreamland, as well as Lebanon the small country that played a leading cultural role in shaping the larger Arab World.This book captures three and a half decades of Lebanese entertainment, pop culture and history, as portrayed by the small screen. It showcases Lebanese television’s most famous and infamous moments, its unforgettable firsts, glamorous golden age icons and legends, and its most memorable heroes and villains, who not only shaped Lebanon as a nation and a state, but also pushed its cultural and social boundaries. Inspired by an Arabic book published by television talk show producer and host, best-selling author Zaven Kouyoumdjian in 2015, this book aims to take Lebanese television and pop culture to the world. After all, isn’t pop culture what really changes the world, and unites us all?
24.00 24.0 USD
أسعد الله مساءكم
يجمع هذا الكتاب مئة لحظةٍ تلفزيونيةٍ، هي أهمّ وأفضل وأشهر لحظات التلفزيون اللبناني في ثلاثة عقود... من لحظة التأسيس في العام 1959، إلى تجارب البدايات في الستينيات، والزمن الجميل في السبعينيات، فالحرب في الثمانينيات... وصولاً إلى العام 1989 وولادة الجمهورية الثانية.
عبَق هذا الكتاب يستهدف من عاش تلك الأزمنة، التي تبدو اليوم كما لو أنّها تاريخ ما قبل التاريخ. ويستهدف كذلك من لديهم الفضول أن يعرفوا لماذا نحن اليوم على ما نحن عليه، في الشاشة... وخلفها.
زافين لم يكتفِ بدور المتلقي أمام الشاشة، ولا بدور اللاعب خلفها بل بحث عن دلالاتِ ما ظهر عليها، وفاءً لمن سبقه من صنّاع التلفزيون، وحرصاً على أن يكون لهذا الجهاز المنزلي الأكثر شعبية ذاكرةً وجذور. صورٌ نادرةٌ من أزمنةٍ مضت. نجومٌ لمعت وخبت. طرائفُ وأخبار لم ولن تخبرنا إيّاها المذيعة الرصينة. حكاياتٌ مثيرة شغلت الكواليس. مشاحنات سياسية استعرت في الاستديو، لم يصلنا منها سوى ابتسامةٍ لائقةٍ تمليها أضواء الكاميرات. من دوستويفسكي وفكتور هوغو إلى شوشو وأبو سليم، دراما نخبوية لم نتوقّع أن تكون وُجدت يوماً، وأخرى شعبية مهّدت للحداثة. ما بين أيدينا كتابٌ يصون ذاكرة جيلٍ، ويقدّم لجيل آخر مرجِعاً يستشفّ منه المستقبل. كتابٌ لكلٍّ منّا فيه صفحة...
50.00 50.0 USD
6.00 6.0 USD
Beirut Central Commercial
The Beirut Central Commercial house
The package includes 170+ pieces, the steps and construction map as well as a history card about the type of the house.
When you raise it up your home will be 29 cm in height, 37 cm in length, and 25 cm in width.

Just embrace the Glory of Beirut and its houses. The Triple arcs if they speak, can tell you endless stories about the beauty of the streets, the magnificence of the villas, and the richness of the commercial stores that were filled with all that you can imagine from the East and the West. The houses that witnessed the rise of the cultural revolution, the poets, the painters the musicians, the dancers, the bankers, and historic leaders.

You can take a peak from its windows and actually see people having dinner, laughing, dancing, and listening to Fairouz on a sunny morning. The porches of Beirut were such a sight, you could drink coffee watching the entire city pass by you and say Marhaba and Al Salamo Alaykom even without knowing who you are!

P.S try to paint your home so you take the fun to the next level.

This house will give you the spirit of Beirut wherever you are.

Central Hall House, combining Western European and Near Eastern styles, has existed in Beirut and throughout Lebanon since the mid-19th century and continued to be built, in various forms, until the mid-20th century.
89.00 89.0 USD
Riwaq - From Leb With Love
The Riwaq village house
The package includes Riwaq 72+ pieces, the steps, and a construction map as well as a history card about the type of the house.
When you raise it up your home will be 19 cm in height, 37 cm in length, and 25 cm in width.

P.S try to paint your home so you take the fun to the next level.

Just Look at it! It was made to make the people inside happy, and the people outside enjoying its beauty even happier! The windows, the bricks, the welcoming doors that always stay open for the neighbors and visitors. The smell of the Zaatar in the morning and Grandma’s laughter in the evening and all the positive sensation in between, calling for you! Raise it up to spread our Village (Day3a) vibes.

The term Riwaq (Gallery) refers to a covered space that opens to the outside terrace garden via a series of supports. More historic information will be inside the package.
75.00 75.0 USD
Phoenician Statuette Couple (Reproduced)-(H:8 cm)
Two crafted reproductions of Phoenician statuettes, one representing females and the other representing males from the Bronze Era.
Carefully hand-made.
8.00 8.0 USD