Mysteries of Transformation
The story follows Xapien as he leaves his cave room, abandoning his four friends and parents in order to decipher his dreams. Along the way, he enters the doors to hidden worlds and meets 3 wise people who become his mentors. They reveal to him some of the mysteries of transformation in order for him to discover his true light. His parents and friends had lost track of him, and one of his mentors abandoned him near the cave's exit. He continues his journey alone, attempting to escape the cave and defeat the dragon "Chayos"

"Out of the 100 books I have read, "Mysteries of Transformation" is the only one that I reread several times. Each time I discovered new secrets and learned about my True Self something I had not known before"
- Hussein Joumaa

"Since we are in a never-ending process of transformation since we go through different stages in life, this book could speak to you differently each time you interact with it. Thus, whenever you read this book, you understand it based on where are you at in life and what is missing to find your true self. I have read this book 3 times."
- Sandy El Chaar

"I was surprised by a number of complex philosophies/concepts discussed in the book and impressed with how seamlessly these concepts were integrated within the story. Although the book is short, it packs really powerful messages that are explained in simple terms. I recommend this book to everyone as you will certainly leave not only feeling inspired but also encouraged to take action to transform your life “
—Mohammad Khalil
8.00 8.0 USD
Intentional Reset
My Why

For few years, I have been searching for the meaning of my life, after I hit rock bottom at 37. It was a tough ride, out of which emerged my purpose: “to change the world by touching one heart at a time.”
It is by creating a ripple effect that we can make this world a kinder place. By guiding you towards a personal transformation, we can together plant a seed of HOPE in the heart of every family and every community to reach out to every city around the world!
In this book, I share with you how you can move from where you are to where you want to be! It is a step-by-step guide to transform your life.
Along my journey, I learned:
To believe, after I was hopeless.
To love unconditionally, after I was a control freak!
To revolt against limiting beliefs, after I was their slave for such a long time!
To treat others like I want to be treated, after I had double standards!
To search for significance in everything I do, after I was focusing only on urgencies!
To jump in and grow my wings on the way down, after I was paralyzed due to a fear of failure!
To dream the impossible and take the first possible step, after I was too realistic to dare to act!
To fall in love with Life and resign myself to spirituality, after I was falling apart!
I learned to:

Live, Love, Learn and Leave a Legacy. ~ Stephen Covey
12.00 12.0 USD
19.00 19.0 USD
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