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Stamp Story: Apricot Sticker Replica
Stamp Story قصة طابع" started when Zeina discovered the stamp collection of her late uncle, he used to work in the airport's shipping department a long time ago, and he used to travel extensively. He had a hobby of collecting stamps from Lebanon and around the world. So she researched each one and shared its story through social media reels. She then decided to turn real stamps into various products, among them are these stickers.

These Vinyl stickers are flat with a matte finish, waterproof, scratch-resistant, and durable. They are all copies of their original stamp collection.
2.00 2.0 USD
Stamp Story: Grapes Sticker Replica
Stamp Story قصة طابع" started when Zeina discovered the stamp collection of her late uncle, he used to work in the airport's shipping department a long time ago, and he used to travel extensively. He had a hobby of collecting stamps from Lebanon and around the world. So she researched each one and shared its story through social media reels. She then decided to turn real stamps into various products, among them are these stickers.

These Vinyl stickers are flat with a matte finish, waterproof, scratch-resistant, and durable. They are all copies of their original stamp collection.
2.00 2.0 USD
Stamp Story: Plum Yellow Tape Sticker Replica
Stamp Story قصة طابع" started when Zeina discovered the stamp collection of her late uncle, he used to work in the airport's shipping department a long time ago, and he used to travel extensively. He had a hobby of collecting stamps from Lebanon and around the world. So she researched each one and shared its story through social media reels. She then decided to turn real stamps into various products, among them are these stickers.

These Vinyl stickers are flat with a matte finish, waterproof, scratch-resistant, and durable. They are all copies of their original stamp collection.
2.00 2.0 USD
Stamp Story: Plum Purple Sticker Replica
Stamp Story قصة طابع" started when Zeina discovered the stamp collection of her late uncle, he used to work in the airport's shipping department a long time ago, and he used to travel extensively. He had a hobby of collecting stamps from Lebanon and around the world. So she researched each one and shared its story through social media reels. She then decided to turn real stamps into various products, among them are these stickers.

These Vinyl stickers are flat with a matte finish, waterproof, scratch-resistant, and durable. They are all copies of their original stamp collection.
2.00 2.0 USD
Stamp Story: Kid Study Sticker Replica
Stamp Story قصة طابع" started when Zeina discovered the stamp collection of her late uncle, he used to work in the airport's shipping department a long time ago, and he used to travel extensively. He had a hobby of collecting stamps from Lebanon and around the world. So she researched each one and shared its story through social media reels. She then decided to turn real stamps into various products, among them are these stickers.

These Vinyl stickers are flat with a matte finish, waterproof, scratch-resistant, and durable. They are all copies of their original stamp collection.
2.00 2.0 USD
Stamp Story: Kid Bath Sticker Replica
Stamp Story قصة طابع" started when Zeina discovered the stamp collection of her late uncle, he used to work in the airport's shipping department a long time ago, and he used to travel extensively. He had a hobby of collecting stamps from Lebanon and around the world. So she researched each one and shared its story through social media reels. She then decided to turn real stamps into various products, among them are these stickers.

These Vinyl stickers are flat with a matte finish, waterproof, scratch-resistant, and durable. They are all copies of their original stamp collection.
2.00 2.0 USD
Stamp Story: Kid Girl Sticker Replica
Stamp Story قصة طابع" started when Zeina discovered the stamp collection of her late uncle, he used to work in the airport's shipping department a long time ago, and he used to travel extensively. He had a hobby of collecting stamps from Lebanon and around the world. So she researched each one and shared its story through social media reels. She then decided to turn real stamps into various products, among them are these stickers.

These Vinyl stickers are flat with a matte finish, waterproof, scratch-resistant, and durable. They are all copies of their original stamp collection.
2.00 2.0 USD
Stamp Story: Kid Boat Sticker Replica
Stamp Story قصة طابع" started when Zeina discovered the stamp collection of her late uncle, he used to work in the airport's shipping department a long time ago, and he used to travel extensively. He had a hobby of collecting stamps from Lebanon and around the world. So she researched each one and shared its story through social media reels. She then decided to turn real stamps into various products, among them are these stickers.

These Vinyl stickers are flat with a matte finish, waterproof, scratch-resistant, and durable. They are all copies of their original stamp collection.
2.00 2.0 USD
Stamp Story: Kid Blue Sticker Replica
Stamp Story قصة طابع" started when Zeina discovered the stamp collection of her late uncle, he used to work in the airport's shipping department a long time ago, and he used to travel extensively. He had a hobby of collecting stamps from Lebanon and around the world. So she researched each one and shared its story through social media reels. She then decided to turn real stamps into various products, among them are these stickers.

These Vinyl stickers are flat with a matte finish, waterproof, scratch-resistant, and durable. They are all copies of their original stamp collection.
2.00 2.0 USD
Stamp Story: Scout Beige Sticker Replica
Stamp Story قصة طابع" started when Zeina discovered the stamp collection of her late uncle, he used to work in the airport's shipping department a long time ago, and he used to travel extensively. He had a hobby of collecting stamps from Lebanon and around the world. So she researched each one and shared its story through social media reels. She then decided to turn real stamps into various products, among them are these stickers.

These Vinyl stickers are flat with a matte finish, waterproof, scratch-resistant, and durable. They are all copies of their original stamp collection.
2.00 2.0 USD
Stamp Story: Cedar Green Circle Sticker Replica
Stamp Story قصة طابع" started when Zeina discovered the stamp collection of her late uncle, he used to work in the airport's shipping department a long time ago, and he used to travel extensively. He had a hobby of collecting stamps from Lebanon and around the world. So she researched each one and shared its story through social media reels. She then decided to turn real stamps into various products, among them are these stickers.

These Vinyl stickers are flat with a matte finish, waterproof, scratch-resistant, and durable. They are all copies of their original stamp collection.
2.00 2.0 USD
Stamp Story: Cedar Green Light Sticker Replica
Stamp Story قصة طابع" started when Zeina discovered the stamp collection of her late uncle, he used to work in the airport's shipping department a long time ago, and he used to travel extensively. He had a hobby of collecting stamps from Lebanon and around the world. So she researched each one and shared its story through social media reels. She then decided to turn real stamps into various products, among them are these stickers.

These Vinyl stickers are flat with a matte finish, waterproof, scratch-resistant, and durable. They are all copies of their original stamp collection.
2.00 2.0 USD
Michael DeBakey: The Hero Of All Hearts
Michael DeBakey, from sewing shirts with his mother’s sewing machine to stitching his way into becoming a legend in medicine. Discover the story of the Lebanese-American surgeon who revolutionized heart and vessel surgery.
18.00 18.0 USD
The Boy Who Found A Magic Wand
Imagine finding a magic wand so powerful, it could rearrange the stars in the sky! Sounds crazy, right? But guess what? Drumroll, please! Introducing Neo, an ordinary young boy with a heart of gold, who actually found – yup, you guessed it – THAT legendary wand. And boy, oh boy, did his world turn upside-down! Strap in and hold tight, dear reader! You're in for an amazing ride filled with laughter, warmth, and spellbinding magic!
10.00 10.0 USD
Le Prince - Le Livre de Poche
La pensée politique moderne s’est forgée dans le fameux Prince de Machiavel (1469-1527). L’ouvrage, écrit en 1513, a été publié à titre posthume en 1532. Nourri de la riche expérience du secrétaire florentin, il apparaît à la fois comme un traité politique et une réflexion sur l’histoire, où l’on voit dégagés, à travers de nombreux exemples, la nature du pouvoir politique, les moyens de son acquisition et de sa conservation, les causes de sa perte. En anatomiste de la chose politique, Machiavel met ainsi à nu les relations entre le prince et les gouvernés (le peuple autant que les grands), le jeu des passions à l’équilibre toujours fragile, l’articulation proprement politique enfin entre «fortune» et «vertu», où vient se révéler, dans ce qu’il appelle «l’occasion», le bon prince, c’est-à-dire le prince prudent.
Cette nouvelle édition offre une traduction très précise du texte et un commentaire à la pointe des recherches actuelles sur Machiavel.
7.00 7.0 USD
أسرار حرب لبنان - الجزء الأول
أسرار حرب لبنان: من انقلاب بشير الجميل إلى حرب المخيمات الفلسطينية هو الجزء الأول من كتابين نشرهما الصحافي الفرنسي آلان مينارغ حول الحرب الأهلية اللبنانية بدئًا من توحيد بشير الجميل للميليشيات المسيحية في 1980 حتى اغتياله وتنفيذ مجزرة صبرا وشاتيلا في 1982.
20.00 20.0 USD
سلسلة احياء التراث العربي: طوق الحمامة في الألفة والألاف
إن أجمل ما في الحمامة هو طوقها""، انطلاقا من هذه العبارة يصيغ الفقيه والشاعر الأندلسي ابن حزم رؤيته لأكثر المشاعر الإنسانية التباسا وتعقيدا ""الحب""،ويضع له في "" طوق الحمامة"" أربعين اسما، ولكل اسم صفة تجسدها حالة تختلف عن سواها، فالشغف له حضور يختلف عن الغرام، والهوى يصيب قلب المحب، ويكون أثره غير الجوى.ويمضي ابن حزم وراء المفردات الدالة على الغرام، وخلف حكايات العشق للحكام والأمراء في عصره. ينقل إلينا قصص الوله وشدته، ويكشف عما يفعله النوى في قلوب العشاق. إذ يكفي أن يبدأ كتابه قائلا : "" الحب -أعزك الله- أولّه هَزْل وآخره جِدّ، دقَّت معانيه لجلالتها عن أن توصف، فلا تدرك حقيقتها إلا بالمعاناة. ليس بِمُنْكَرٍ في الديانة ولا بمحظور في الشريعة، إذ القلوب بيد الله عزَّ وجل.
9.00 9.0 USD
الحياة والموت، والحركة، والهجرة. هنا نرى شقيقة شوبان تغامر في رحلة محفوفة بالمخاطر لكي تعيد قلبه سراً إلى وارسو بعد موته. نرى امرأة تعود إلى مسقط رأسها في بولندا لكي تحقن بالسم حبيب صباها الذي يرقد طريح الفراش في سكرات مرضه الأخير. عبر شخصيات وقصص مرسومة ببراعة، ومحبوكة بتأملات مؤرّقة ولعوبة، وموحية، تستكشف "رحّالة" معنى أن تكون مسافراً، طوافاً، جسداً في حالة حركة ليس فقط عبر المكان وإنما عبر الزمان أيضاً. من أين أنت؟ من أين أتيت؟ إلى أين تذهب، هكذا نسأل المسافرين حين نلتقيهم. ورواية رحّالة الفاتنة، المقلقة، بمثابة إجابة تطرحها كاتبة من كبار الحكّائين في عالمنا.
15.00 15.0 USD
عندما كنت أخطبوطا
لم تقدر منار إنهاء قراءة قصّتها المفضّلة بسبب طلبات أهلها وجيرانها. فهم يطلبون منها المساعدة بكلّ ما يفعلون. فتذمّرت منهم قائلةً بأنها ليست أخطبوطاً وقرّرت عدم المساعدة. إلاّ أنّ مهامها الخاصة قد تراكمت عليها، ولم تقدر الذهاب إلى موعد السباحة، فالكل مشغول بمشاكله إذ لم تساعدهم منار على حلّها. فقرّرت وضع المهام كلّها على اللوح من الأكبر إلى الأصغر والبدء بمساعدة من حولها.
6.00 6.0 USD
ماغي فرح 2025
تتأثر كل الأبراج بالتقلبات الفلكية.
تحدث تحولات مهمة للكثيرين من إيجابياتها :
للحمل فرص مالية ولقاء مصيري.
للثور مال وأرباح وعمل جديد.
للجوزاء ترقية ومنصب ومغامرات عاطفية.
للسرطان حظ وتطوّر وانفتاح على الخارج.
للأسد هدايا مادية استثمار ناجح وزواج باهر.
للعذراء استثمار واعد وفرص جديدة.
للميزان آمال جديدة وتحرّر من قيود.
للعقرب وفرة وخروج من المحن.
للقوس انتقال إلى موقع أفضل، سفر مهم وزواج.
للجدي شراكة مفيدة ومسار جديد.
للدلو سنة مصيرية من العطاء والحب.
للحوت فترات من التشويق والحب والوعود.

إنها سنة مصيرية ستترك أثرها على العالم بأسره لثلاثين سنة آتية.
تحمل للأسف كوارث أمنية وطبيعية وفيضانات وزلازل وحروباً قد تتوسع لتشمل بلداناً جديدة.
تواصل ما بدأ في عام 2024 وقد أشرت إليه في الكتاب السابق، إذ ذكرت أن ما يحصل عامي 24 و 25 سيكون تاريخياً.
– الحركة الفلكية كثيفة: خمسة كواكب تتغير مواقعها ومنها أكثر من مرّة لتؤثر على كل الأبراج في فترات متفاوتة.
العالم هذه السنة سيكون محاطاً بحزام ناري لكنه يقلب كل المقاييس وصولاً إلى عصر جديد.
30.00 30.0 USD